Provided Services

Janitorial Services
We offer daily, weekly, or tailored service schedules that fits your needs.Our Process:
Set up an appointment to conduct a detailed walk through to ensure that we fully understand your janÂiÂtoÂriÂal needs. During the walk through we will:
- DeÂterÂmine the scope of serÂvices reÂquired
- Individualize cleaning needs
- CreÂate a schedÂule
- Establish professional cleaning pricÂing
To enÂsure your cleanÂing needs are beÂing met and exÂceeded you will be assigned a Christina’s Angels Janitorial Services CusÂtomer AcÂcount ManÂagÂer who will inÂspect your loÂcaÂtion on a monthÂly baÂsis.
Our proposal process is as follows:
- Our Customer Account Representative meets with you and walks through your property to gather all of the relevant information in order to create a bid.
- A custom proposal is created and emailed to you within 24 hours of meeting.
- After reviewing the proposal we will take any feedback and make any requested adjustments to the proposal prior to any signing.
- We will handpick and train your janitorial staff.
- An assigned Customer Account Manager will provide your property with continuing service and meet with you on a monthly basis to ensure that all of your needs are being at least met if not exceeded.